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A Dose of Advice How to Avoid Unexpected Medical Bills
In an interview at Lasell University, Adria Gross explains how to avoid unexpected medical bills for you and your family.

How to Get Out of State Medical Claims Paid
In this interview, Adria discusses how she was able to get out of state medical claims paid. If you’ve ever

What is Balance Billing?
Have you ever received a large bill from the hospital, and have your insurance pay a portion, and leave you

What Are Reasonable and Customary Charges for Specific Procedure Codes?
This is a very interesting story where you’ll discover how procedure Codes affect reasonable and customary charges when you go

How Deductibles and Copays Affect Medical Bills
How do deductibles and copays affect your out of pocket medical expenses? This video reveals a case study where a

Have a Health Sharing Plan? Here’s How to Get Your Denied Claim, Paid.
This video covers a case study about a person who is a member of a share health plan. See how

Adria Gross Case Study as a Medical Insurance Advocate
Another Reason to Hire a Medical Insurance Advocate Adria Gross reveals a case study that you need to hear about

How to Get Your Denied Bill Claims Paid
Why Hire Medical Insurance Advocate Adria Gross? If you’ve ever had medical bills denied by your insurance company, this video

10 Tips to Lower Mental Health Costs
Is Mental Health Care Covered? Mental Health Care has a huge range of care possibilities and little coverage options. Insurance

Faith-Based Health Cost Sharing Vs. Associated Health Plans
Taking care of our health can be a costly endeavor. The ability to pay can become a matter of life

Surprise Medical Bills and Balance Billing or Just Billed
When you go to a hospital that is In-Network it only seems natural to think that everyone you work with

Medical Bills and Arbitration: Surprise Billing is Coming to an End, What is the Solution?
Individuals have the power to make contracts with people over almost anything, so long as all parties mutually agree and