Twisted Intestine $150,000 Bill Reduced to $10,000

You know, it took quite a bit of time, but my client who had a twisted intestine with a medical debt of over $150,000—I was finally able to prove that there was no way my client could afford to pay that amount. Thank goodness, I brought her bill down to $10,000. She took a loan […]

Understanding Insurance Denials

As the CEO and founder of MedWise Insurance Advocacy, I have dedicated my career to assisting individuals in overcoming these challenges. Drawing from over 25 years of experience in the insurance industry, I understand the intricacies of medical billing and the frustration that comes with claim denials. Understanding Insurance Denials Insurance claim denials occur for […]

Need Help With Surgery Bills Watch this

Have you ever heard of spina bifida? It’s a birth defect in which a developing baby’s spinal cord fails to develop properly. It occurs when a developing baby’s spinal cord fails to develop or close properly while it’s in the womb. There is no cure for spina bifida, but there are treatments for related conditions. Spina […]

Car Accident Medical Claims Not Paid

You know, you ride a bike, and please God, may this never happen to you—have a very bad car accident. So due to that accident, this is what I’ve seen happening: You lose your job. You do not have any health insurance. If this ever happens to you, please reach out to Medwise, and I am sure […]

140 Mile and Hour Car Crash Turns into Thousands in Denied Medical Bills

You know, I’ll tell you, chapter 12 in my book, Apparently Different, speaks about an individual who was in a 140-mile-per-hour car crash. He was going 140 miles an hour. And let me just tell you, I hope that you always try to be a good driver and never drink or use drugs while driving. […]

Epilepsy Patient Taught to Deny Medical Claims

I was introduced many years ago by an attorney to someone who’s in my book, Apparently Different. She was an attorney who wound up having epilepsy. I myself, due to an insect bite, lived with epilepsy for almost 25 years. But luckily, thank you Lord, I had a left temporal lobectomy and was then taught how to […]

Major Brain Damage Medical Bills Denied

You know, insufficient oxygen can cause major brain damage. Someone in my book, Apparently Different, experienced that issue, which caused this person to have cerebral palsy. Please think about Medwise if you’re having problems with any of your medical bills or you’re looking for doctors. I’m here to help you, and hopefully, this will not happen to […]

Is Artificial Intelligence Denying Your Medical Bills

I recently spoke on a major topic involving AI, artificial intelligence, which almost immediately denies medical bills. It is truly awful that insurance companies decide whether or not they want to pay a bill according to your diagnosis. Too many times people wind up in a hospital, are admitted, and then claims are denied. If this ever happens […]

Prepaid Medical Procedure Reduced by 50%

You prepaid your medical procedure for $7,700 for that same procedure. You get a bill in the mail only for $15,000. I hear about these cases so many times and luckily when I have proof of payments, I will make sure that you do not owe them any more money. On that one case, I […]

Leveraging Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

Navigating the healthcare system involves numerous choices, from selecting the right insurance plan to managing out-of-pocket costs. Two financial tools that can help you manage healthcare expenses are Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). However, it’s essential to know if these accounts are compatible with your insurance plan and how best to […]

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