Out of Network Hospital Bills Denied

You vomit and have diarrhea. You go to the emergency room, and the hospital does all these medical tests on you. You were in the hospital for three days only being treated, and now the hospital is saying to you that they were out of network. Wow. I was able to overturn the case and save […]

$60,000 Breast Cancer Bills Down to $2,100

I recently had a case where my client had breast cancer, and her bills were over $60,000. Her oncologist was fighting, not accepting a lower amount. When I was able to prove that there was no way she would be able to afford to pay this bill, we went from $60,000 to $2,100. So if you […]

Water Skiing Accident Turns Into Denied Medical Charges

One of the chapters in my book, Apparently Different, is titled A Prisoner in My Own Body from Traumatic Brain Injury. My client was water skiing at the age of 16 and wound up injuring themselves, becoming, I hate to say this, partially paralyzed, and believe it or not, they even went into a coma. I hope […]

Surgery for Large Intestine Medical Bill Denied Was Approved After This

I had a client who had a very serious infection in her large intestines. The surgery was performed, which her insurance company said wasn’t medically necessary. The bills were over $60,000, and when I was able to prove that it was medically necessary and what could happen to my client if the procedure was never […]

Congenital Defect Bills Not Being Paid

I was introduced many years ago by an attorney to someone who’s in my book, Apparently Different. She was an attorney who wound up having epilepsy. I myself, due to an insect bite, lived with epilepsy for almost 25 years. But luckily, thank you Lord, I had a left temporal lobectomy and was then taught how to […]

Why An Insurance Claims Advocate Serves as a Crucial Ally

An insurance claims advocate serves as a crucial ally, guiding policyholders through the claims process, ensuring fair treatment, and maximizing entitled benefits. Understanding the Role of an Insurance Claims Advocate An insurance claims advocate is a professional dedicated to assisting policyholders in managing and resolving insurance claims. Their responsibilities include: Claims Management: Overseeing the entire […]

Can’t Understand Your Explanation of Benefits?

Are you having a difficult time understanding your explanation of benefits and the reason for the denials on your bill for over a hundred thousand dollars? I used to write the policies for the insurance companies and was taught how to deny claims on behalf of the insurance companies. I normally reduce the medical bills […]

If COBRA Is Not Paying Your Medical Bills Do This

I hope this never ever happens to you. You leave a job and now you have Cobra, but they’re not paying your bills. If this happens to you, call me. I know all about it, and I guarantee you when I get my teeth into that case, your bills are gonna be paid. Thank you. […]

Is Emergency Medical Care Covered When Traveling Abroad

Traveling can be one of life’s greatest joys, but it’s important to remember that accidents and illnesses can happen, even when you’re exploring a new corner of the world. A common question many travelers have is, “Is emergency medical care covered by my insurance when I’m abroad?” The answer can be complex and varies depending […]

Medicare Advantage Double Coverage Ends in Double Payment

I hope this never happens to you. I received a phone call where someone worked for two different companies and wound up, believe it or not, having two different Medicare Advantage plans. The other crazy part about that, it was the same insure one of the plans was requesting back $200,000. The crazy thing is […]

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