If you go to a compound pharmacy for medication and they do not submit the bill to your prescription plan, please do not ignore the possibility of receiving reimbursement for that compound medication. I recently was able to save my client $600 a month. They get medication every week, $150, $600 a month, so that is $3,600 a year involving their prescription plan coverage. People think, oh, well, you know what I’m getting? I go to the compounds, uh, pharmacy, they’re not gonna send out my bills. Well, you take that responsibility to call whoever your prescription plan is. Ask ’em, say, Hey, you know, can you cover this? They should. They’re, they’re gonna tell you, we don’t know until we receive the, the, uh, the bill from you, but please take the time to submit the form with the bill and in many instances you will be able to get that money back. Please call me if you have any problems, Adria, Medwise Insurance Advocacy. We’re here to help you. Thank you.