Lyme Disease Medical Bill Reimbursement Help

If you haven’t heard yet, Apparently Different is my new book that came out recently. I have a client in the book who wound up with a debilitating life due to Lyme disease. I helped this client in receiving reimbursement for her medical bills. If you need help with denied claims, please call me, Adria. I’m […]

What to Do When Your Insurance Denies a Claim

Receiving a claim denial from your health insurance company can be frustrating and confusing. It can feel like a roadblock in accessing necessary medical care. At Medwise Insurance Advocacy, we understand the stress and uncertainty that come with claim denials. This blog post will provide a step-by-step guide on what to do when your insurance […]

$10,000 Emergency Room Just for Medicine

I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but have you ever received a bill from an emergency room for over $10,000, and all they did in that emergency room was give you medication? I’ve had many cases like this, and in this particular case, I was able to get a major reduction […]

Emergency Room for $8,000 Turns to Zero

My client in California went to the emergency room and received a bill for over $5,000. But believe it or not, every month she received a bill that added additional charges of over a thousand dollars a month. Her policy was Medicaid, and when I was able to prove that she could not afford the […]

New Book Apparently Different Released

For those of you who don’t know, I recently published a new book titled Apparently Different. My new book, Apparently Different, is available on Amazon. Just go to, type in Apparently Different, and you can read the description. If you’re interested, you can purchase it there.  Everybody knows someone with a disability who has […]

$400,000 Cancer Bills Reduced to $19,000

I recently had a client with bills over $400,000 involving cancer. I was so excited to be able to reduce that bill down to $19,000, which is being paid over a three-year period. If you ever need help, please call me, Adrian at Medwise Insurance Advocacy. Thank you.

$135,000 Medical Bill Was Finally Settled Down to $20,000

One of my clients recently had a bill for $135,000. This was a faith-based coverage, which, of course, is not handled through an insurance company. It was a long, drawn-out fight to get this settled, but thankfully, the hospital agreed to $20,000, and my client was able to get funding from his family to pay […]

The Role of a Healthcare Advocate is to Reduce or Eliminate Medical Bills

A healthcare advocate serves as a vital ally, guiding patients through medical processes, ensuring their rights are upheld, and facilitating effective communication between patients and healthcare providers. Understanding the Role of a Healthcare Advocate A healthcare advocate is a professional dedicated to assisting patients in various aspects of their healthcare journey. Their responsibilities include: Educating […]

Colonoscopy Charged $7,000 and Reduced to $0

You’re going to a colonoscopy at the office of your doctor and the office says to you, it’s covered on your plan and you do not need to pay any money at all. I just overturn a case where they were informed there would be no fee but was charged over $7,000. Please get that […]

If COBRA Is Not Paying Your Medical Bills Do This

I hope this never ever happens to you. You leave a job and now you have Cobra, but they’re not paying your bills. If this happens to you, call me. I know all about it, and I guarantee you when I get my teeth into that case, your bills are gonna be paid. Thank you. […]

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