I don’t know if anybody heard about this, but January 1st, 2022, a new bill was passed. It’s called the No Surprise Act. It is a national, um, uh, act. Uh, and a doctor has no right to charge you for services if they didn’t tell you in advance that they were outta network and you’re, and, and you were going to be responsible to pay the bill. Uh, I just heard a face today exactly like this. She, uh, goes for her annual test. They have an anesthesiologist. She was never told that the anesthesiologist was outta network. She’s getting billed over a thousand dollars. I told her exactly what to do. So remember also, if this is an emergency, they can only charge you the reasonable and customary fee for the procedure. It’s rendered. I recently had a case where the provider was outta network, never told the patient, and the bill was reduced from $25,000 to $1,700.

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Adria Gross
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